I think my new girl from ShellyL is influencing me…

Posted September 28, 2009




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Recently I bought this lovely Dollcatch Stella Head from ShellyL (face-up by Dr. Seiji), and when I put this Dollheart wig on her, nothing else would do but to dress her in the style of the 18th century (dress from the Val Zeitler/Dollheart Young Marie collection). And we know how Shelly loves her period costumes! I do, too, but never seem to get around to using them, until now…


She looks as if she’s pacing… wondering if… or when…



…a certain suitor will come calling…



…she hears something…



…the sound of a horse’s hooves on the gravel drive



…a smile hovers on her lips.




And who is it that makes her smile? ...


The Suitor Arrives



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