A Horse Story

Posted October 26, 2007 by galatia9 and beamlette




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Fenchurch: Oh, he's beautiful! Thanks for bringing Thunder out to see us, Mercedez!
Mercedez: Sure, Fenchurch! You'd be surprised, horses love to go out and have fun as much as any of US do! They really look forward to changes in their daily routine.



Mercedez: I think Thunder likes you! Would you like to ride him?



Fenchurch: Really? Do you think he would mind?

Mercedez: Not at all, he loves it! He's very adventurous.



Hiro: Fenchurch, what are you doing?

Fenchurch: Mercedez and Thunder agreed that I could have a little ride! It's been ages since I've ridden. You like horses, don't you, Hiro?



Hiro: Well... I never saw one up close until we had that one visiting us a couple weeks back... and I have to say he didn't exactly endear himself to me.

Fenchurch: Did you ride him while he was there?

Hiro: What?? Of course not! I was trying to make sure he didn't take a bite out of the seat of my PANTS.



Fenchurch: *snicker* I'm sure he wouldn't have done that!

Hiro: I dunno, the way he was eyeing me...

Fenchurch: Well, Mercedez says that Thunder has carried two riders lots of times. Why don't you hop on up here?



Hiro: *dubious* He looks awfully tall...

Fenchurch: Do you need a leg up?

Hiro: No! But...

Mercedez: Go ahead, Hiro, I've got a hold of him. Plus, he's really patient with new riders.

Hiro: Well...



Hiro: I was right... he IS awfully tall! And slippery!

Fenchurch: *giggles* To hang on, you have to grip with your thighs. But you seem to have a pretty good hold on ME already!

Hiro: Yeah, and I'm not letting go!



Fenchurch: I wish we could really go somewhere! Wouldn't you just LOVE to take him for a gallop!

Hiro: How about a nice pleasant stroll?



Fenchurch: *giggles again* Horses don't stroll!

Hiro: I imagine Thunder is smart enough to LEARN how.



Hiro: I guess... this isn't so bad. It's kinda nice.

Fenchurch: You know, Winston Churchill said, "There's something about the outside of a horse..."

Hiro: "...that's good for the inside of a man." Yeah, I've heard that one. Maybe he was right... but that doesn't mean I'm ready to "jine the cavalry" just yet.



Hiro: Still... anything that gets me closer to you has to be a good thing...

Fenchurch: Mmhmmm... why do you think I asked you to hop up here?



Special thanks to Frank, Mercedez and Thunder!



Meantime, D’Angelo, aka JB, makes moves yet again on Persephone –


Flat Learning Curve



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