Hiro, the Sparrow Sisters and I >>>

Posted May 10, 2006 by Fenchurch




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…are glad you’re talking to Tadashi again.



Buddha Girl: Yeh, family important!

Angry Sparrow: Yeh, what Buddha Girl say.

Tragic Plum: Ohhh, I’d be REALLY lonely without MY sisters…



Fenchurch: And the Sparrow Sisters want to thank you for finding that pig on our last geocaching expedition –

Buddha Girl: Eh, dat really FINE pig! We make mu shu, old family recipe wit it. You like mu shu, how ‘bout you brother?

Angry Sparrow: Dis de pig.

Pig: Oink.

Tragic Plum: Buddha Girl really is a very good cook…



Buddha Girl: An’ we invite Bongie, Sunni, Mina, Dalia too! ALL de sisters we know of!

Angry Sparrow: Dey fun. Know tings.

Tragic Plum: Oh, Dalia, yes, I like Dalia – we can be scared together…

Pig: Oink oink.



Fenchurch: You’ve made them pretty happy, Hiro – they think you’re some sort of god. *giggle* And as we well know, it’s best to be on their good side .


Your friend,




Hiro most firmly declared that he was no god, just a regular guy! He was grateful for being invited on this geo-caching trip, as he found something that helped him to start talking to his long-lost brother again.  


As I mentioned previously, Kenzo had the misfortune to arrive the same day as Tancredi, which resulted in him being neglected. He even underwent a name change from what I intended to call him when he was ordered 2 months before. While I hadn’t been using Japanese names for any of my dolls, when I heard “Kenzo” on a TV sitcom, I knew that was the better name for him. Here is his introduction:


I’m so happy because my cousin Kenzo



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