Ms. Beamlette left us living on her study shelf

Posted August 29, 2006 by Paolo and Francesca




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Paolo: So here we've been since May.



Paolo: Maeby here shares the shelf with us. It kinda crimps our style; no privacy, if you know what I mean.

Maeby: Me no like here, too -- me an' Bunny lonely.



Francesca: Ms. Beamlette promised us a nice house and furnishings and such, but we've yet to see anything.



Paolo: Well, to be fair, she did let us sit on the coffee table while she was gone on her trips - Francesca: But now we're back on the shelf.



Paolo: It's hard on our dog, Chiaroscuro. I mean, he hasn't got a really good place to go

Chiaroscuro: Arf!
Francesca: Yes -- good boy, 'Scuro **scritch scritch**



Paolo: The Big Kids get all her attention right now. Maybe if you Zone of Zenners bug Ms. Beamlette, she'll give us more attention.

Francesca: Yes -- you don't want us to be stuck on this shelf -- especially Chiaroscuro **scritch scritch** good boy!
Chiaroscuro: rrrrrrr... *whine*



For a kind-of-back-to-school theme, Shulamith got Jersey Boy’s attention with this:


Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Jersey Boy



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