Bonsai of the Vanities, Part I

Posted August 22, 2006




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Buddha Girl: Sisters! Sisters! Come look, come look!
Angry Sparrow: What wrong?
Tragic Plum: Oh no, I don't like the sound of this...



Buddha Girl: Our tree -- it DEAD!
Angry Sparrow: How it happen?
Tragic Plum: Ooooooh... maybe putting the toilet under it *wasn't* such a good idea...



Angry Sparrow: What we do now?
Buddha Girl: I think on this a bit. Go make soup -- always think better on full stomach.
Tragic Plum: Oooooh... you don't think it was –



Buddha Girl: Ehhhh... you mean -- dat other big dumb girl?
Angry Sparrow: Dat we *not* cut head off?
Tragic Plum: The tall blonde girl stopped us... She made us promise not to hurt her...



Buddha Girl: Yeh... said it might make Ms. Beamlette mad. Then she sell us off. Okay, sisters, cool heels.
Angry Sparrow: We still fix soup?
Tragic Plum: Ooooh, yes, some soup would be nice... to ease the shock...



Buddha Girl: Dat settled! Make soup, den head clearer. C'mon!
Angry Sparrow: I chop veg'bles.
Tragic Plum: Ooooh... I guess I'll have to chop the chicken... ooooh...



Part II posted later that evening:


Bonsai of the Vanities, Part II



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