Lovely Kaida, has the committee reached a consensus yet?

Posted July 11, 2006 by Kenzo




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And I know you won't let Kazuhiro get to you -- he's just this little fly buzzing around... buzzbuzzbuzz

Looking forward to some CAKE --




And he received this letter from Kaida posted on July 12:



Dear Kenzo:


I am pleased to inform you that your application for the position of “Mr. Wonderful” has been reviewed by this committee and unanimously approved. The committee wishes to thank you for your sincere efforts during the application and interview processes.


You should be aware that the position may be undergoing changes in the near future to more adequately address the needs of the “company”. Along with those modifications it is probable that the job title will change to something more appropriate (Mr. Hottie comes to mind.) You will be able to play a large part in determining your own job description and title. The company utilizes a “partnership” approach and prizes highly those qualities you have shown during the interview process: self-assurance, creativity, intelligence, a sense of humor and a can-do attitude.


Compensation is most competitive and we offer a generous benefit package. Please notify us in writing or via email if you wish to accept our offer. A brief orientation period will commence as soon as your availability is determined.


Congratulations, we hope to hear from you soon.



KaidaWV, Project Manager
MW-Find 2006


Now....about those brownies....



To which he responded (brownies being their “in” joke that developed during the competition):



Kaida, you BET I saved some brownies for you >>>

Posted by Kenzo on July 12, 2006


And here's another pic --

Anything to make a lady happy




Tancredi waxes poetic while mooning around for E’Clair:


E'Clair, zere ees a po-em zat goes



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